What is Going On?

A woman holding a cup of coffee.

Have you noticed that there is increasing interest in the Holy Spirit? A friend of mine told me "people are tired of fluff and entertainment. They want the hard truth. As God touches them they become fired up to learn and experience more of the Holy Spirit. The fish are jumping in the boat!"

The popularity of Andrew Wommack's teaching on Spirit Soul and Body, Anne Graham Lotz' Jesus in Me study, and many others are evidence that the Holy Spirit is at work.

Is God is calling his bride to embrace the reality and power of the Holy Spirit in us for a reason? Are we experiencing the beginnings of revival we have been praying for for years? Is this the kairos moment, the appointed time, spoken of in Luke 19:44 when the kingdom of God WILL manifest itself in the world through the saints empowered by the Holy Spirit? Our Pentecostal brothers and sisters have understood this for a long time.

If it is, now is the time for the rest of the church to live by faith, in the power that is at work within us (Eph 1:19), to love, to heal, to forgive, and to witness. This is God's call on our lives in this season.

Somebody say AMEN!

Author: Fred Grossenbach


The Evangelical Catholic, Preparing Workers for the Harvest


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